I decided that it was time to add a new look, and feel to the blog this year. I like using blogger alot, it's an easy site to use, and has a great number of great blogs to view as well. My only complaint is the lack of being able to really customize it to your personal liking.
I really wanted to add a pic to the header, but if I did that, would lose the new color scheme I really like. If I could keep the graphite look, and add a pic to the header....I feel it would be the perfect look. I also deleted the blog descriptions, and pics from the blogs I follow. It just seemed to clutter that side of the screen up too much, no insult intended to the great bloggers I keep up on. After all, aren't we all the reason we read these things? To get a glimpse into the lives of other fisherman, and women, and see some amazing hand tied flies, custom built rods, and amazing catches.
It's time to start to start shopping for a decent camera that can be used solo to take pics in the field, as well as something that is user friendly for the family so they can use it as well. I'd really like to start adding some pics of fish caught, either by myself, family, or friends and give this blog a more personal feel. Once I start going from the planning stages of the mancave, to the construction, and eventual madness that will follow in there, I'd love for people to get a view of what it will be like, and hopefully give others ideas for their own space they've been wanting to build, but don't know how they would like it done, and are looking for ideas of their own to use.
To everyone who reads this, and to those who have yet to find it, may all your dreams become reality in 2012, and your lines, regardless of the type of rod their cast from, be tight all year long.