Friday, November 7, 2008

taneycomo trip

Well, I've been pretty busy with work lately so this is the first time I've had to get online and talk about my 1st trip to taneycomo. The trip itself was awesome. We had a blast in Branson, although the fishing was not the greatest. The water temps were up about 15 degrees to high, making the fishing horrible. I got a few bites, but nothing was caught. I seen the biggest trout I've ever seen in person, swimming around my feet, but unfortunatly, wasnt able to hook a single one.

I got to ride a duck, an amphibiouscraft used by the military, that was retrofitted in branson, awhole lot of em, to give tours of tablerock lake, lake taneycomo, and areas of branson. Got to go to my first ever IMAX show! It was about the decline of the Colorado river. Very informative, and yet very sad. The decline of the river over the past hundred or more years is just devastaing, and makes me want to do more to help preserve the wild for future generations.

They had a 1/4 scale replica of the Titanic, that sheryl, and I went to see. It was phenominal. The pictures they had to show, along with peoples real life accounts of the sinking, made it that much more of an experience. Something I think alot of people should get a chance to see, if given the opportunity.

I spent WAY more then I wanted to for the 4 day trip, but it was in a sense a mini vacation, that myself,and sheryl needed, and was a blast! Although now that playtime is over, its hard work, and buckling down on expenses for a few weeks due to it. 4 nights of expensive dinners, and breakfast. A good amount of money spent at local fly shops, and an all around blast was had.

Hope to go back in a few weeks, although we have a spring tuner set up there in april, or may to get set for the big trip to Yellowstone this upcoming summer.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

1st Blog.

Well, this is my 1st blog. As I write this, I am also packing up for a very long awaited trip to lake taneycomo for the weekend. Financially things have been pretty tough, with the way the ecomomy is, so all my fishing has been done on farm ponds in the area, as well as the few lakes nearby as well.
I'm hoping I have all the right flies for the trip. If not, I guess thats what the fly shops, and my vise are for (lol). I'm taking my g.f. on the trip. Dont know if this is a good thing, or bad thing. She said I'm goin there to fish, so we're not packing much at all. Hopefully the next post will be a good one on the fishing down there, and then a few from the road, along with a few good pics.
Well, I'm outta here to go do some serious fishin for a few days, so tight lines and welcome.