I started tying up alot of buggers last night. I have enough chenile to do a few dozen, and being the weather isnt the greatest I figured why not tie up alot of em. right now the colors are mostly bright orange, with a white hackle palmered around the chennile. Been tying up some more deer hair bass bugs as well, and started to throw on some weedguards with em as well.
I still need to get to the fly shop, and get some more hair though. Weather, and money constraints have kept me from making the trip to the fly shop. I did get to walmart yesterday for some double edge razors, large stinger hooks, and some heavy mono for the weedguards. I need to go back there again, and get a new clear plastic plano box, so that I have a place to store the rest of the flies I'm tying up.
I figure that after today, I won't have any room left in the box, to put any flies. Although I guess that just means it's time to go through my fly boxes in the vest, take out all the old n replace em with the new.....so I can tie even more flies for my reserves. I figure at this point I probably have enough flies tied to last me the season, and probably the season after that as well if I don't get on the vise next off season.
Well, time to tie up a few more bugs. Here's just a small taste of what I have so far, and what I need to keep tying for later.